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literary alchemy

April 12th, 2013 § 1 comment

Poem #89 for Audrey Dimola


What is it that I do?

What purpose do I serve by

extracting words from my mind and

laying them,

sometimes intentionally, sometimes carelessly,

in notebook after book for my own therapy?


A house exists, surgery leaves a healing scar,

but do I matter when I dedicate every day of my life

to writing my ideas for a very small few to read?

These are questions I ask myself hourly

as I grapple with choosing passion over societal duty

because the irony, the hypocrisy,

is that I was born into a nation which insists on

following the dream;

Only, as I get older

I realize the dream was never supposed to be mine.

So, when my ambition was molded as a young wanderlust,

although I allowed myself to be whipped into line,

deep inside,

I never understood why I was not supposed to become an individual.


When not gnawing through my mind,

I sit in the corners of my world

desperately searching through the hearts of others;

the who what why and hows of the thousands of others

born also into this confusion of intended purpose.


Which eventually leads me to think,

Could it be I am not alone in this convoluted quagmire of rationale?


Frozen in thought,

I let these last ink blots sleep for a bit…

Roots begin growing from this ponderance,

begin to take hold

begin to sprout

more words begin to breathe out

creating oxygen for inspiration

And when I finally snap out of this heavy haze

I find a statement where there once only were inquiries…

I finally am what I dream


I am not the outcast,

I am the alchemist.

I spin spiritual silk for a higher purpose than society;

That although the bourgeois

propel the dream of the nation,

the purpose of us rare few, of us poets,

is to conjure from life’s metallic shackles

a literary elixir which empowers you

the reader

to not only dream of

but to be

all that is impossible…









(written with pen on paper)

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