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March 31st, 2014 § 0 comments

Poem #355 for Joanne Ruocco


Love is such a constricting freedom.
It should let me go, give me those
proverbial wings
but rather
it restricts my breathing
places two hands on my mind and

I have been taught that
it is an obligation, a commitment
a never-ending vortex of sacrifice which forces a denial
of many of the impulses my instincts desire…

So love scares me
because I cannot recall anyone who has yet crossed my
path who became a better person as a result of
this notion I have been bred with.

As a child, I had this image of love as
an athlete, a survivor, a champion,
utterly exhausted
with exultation at having given every last drop of
life and passion to fighting his glorious good fight;
who has no regard for the outcome but is satisfied by
the impossibility of having anything left
after living a life basking in the glory of it.

That was my dream of love…true agape.

Dreams and reality, however, do not often match up
and I often cease fighting because
once reality becomes too vibrant, too neglected,
once it begins breaking apart
it must be protected
…or so I have been taught.

A dream cannot be lived until reality crumbles,
until the painful process of ripping off flesh and habit
is complete.

I believed my teachers all this time that reality trumps fantasy
Once the pain becomes too much
    you should stop
Nothing is worth destroying yourself for…

…The lie of a lifetime.

I know now that love is the highest concept
of all of existence…

Love even humbles God.

I must, now, in my older age,
in my stubborn age,
relearn, reteach, deconstruct the misconceptions
I have been vaccinated with.

The new mantras of love:

One -
Love is real and my teachers, my family, my guides were all wrong.
Two -
Love exists, even if I have yet to meet anyone who has accepted it.
Three -
Love is painful only when I do not allow it to completely
destroy myself, my world and all I
ever imagined and or ever seen as reality.

Dying for love is necessary.

Dying for love is the moment when my life will finally begin.










(written with pen on paper)

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